Bylaws & Policies

Section Name Type Last Updated
100-010 Board of Trustees Bylaws Section 1
100-020 Policies of The Board of Trustees Section 1
100-040 Board of Trustees Calendar Section 1
100-050 Trustee-Elect Policy Section 1
200-010 Mission Statement Section 2
200-020 Long Range Plan of Service 2020-2025 Section 2
200-025 Environmental Sustainability Policy Section 2
200-030 The Library Bill of Rights Section 2
300-010 Materials Selection Policy Section 3
300-010a Request for Re-Evaluation of Materials Section 3
400-010 Public Employer Health Emergency Plan for The Smithtown Library District Section 4
500-005 Equal Employment Opportunity Section 5
500-010 Personnel Policy - Pages Section 5
500-020 Code of Ethics Section 5
500-030 Whistleblower Policy Section 5
500-040 Conflict of Interest Section 5
500-060 Anti-Nepotism Policy Section 5
500-070 COVID-19 Reopening Safety Plan Section 5
500-080 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy & Program Section 5
500-085 Anti-Bullying Policy Section 5
500-090 Sexual Harassment Section 5
500-090s Sexual Harassment Complaint Form Section 5
500-200 Social Media Policy Section 5
600-010 Emergency Closings Section 6
600-050 Surveillance Camera Policy Section 6